

AlphaGrep, Mumbai, India

Currently I am working as an Analyst, Trading Systems at AlphaGrep.


BlackBuck, Bangalore, India

In Summers of 2019 I was intering at BlackBuck where I worked on the navigation of trucks using Google Maps. I had designed and implemented a graph based algorithm for finding the fastest and cheapest route for trucks between any two geolocations in India. The algorithm also included a self-improving ETA prediction engine in Python which updates itself with the GPS data for all the trucks from the last twenty-four hours. Google Directions API was integrated for turn by turn navigation. I had also created a plugin for auto mapping of new tolls, petrol pumps to the edges of graph. Tolls data were scrapped from the official website of NHAI and were converted to vectors for finding their direction and computing cost. Finally the web app was deployed using Flask, PostgreSQL for the backend and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the frontend.

Academic Projects


The group consists of a bunch of robotics enthusiasts working on the development of autonomous soccer-playing robots for participation in International Competitions like RoboCup and FIRA. During my third year, I led the team at Robocup 2017 at Nagoya, Japan (first Indian team at SSL Robocup). We had developed a multi-threaded three-tier software architecture for controlling omni-directional robots in small-sized-league using ROS. A comparative study on the variations of rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) along with path simplifier and velocity profiling of the path was also performed. For the passing of the ball, we had implemented a randomized probability model using intersection of ellipses and line formed by the robots’ velocity vector.